Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ohai Scary Looking Ad!

Candii, coming atcha live today from planet Cosmic-Scribbles! I know, today is not my usual blog day, but one of our wonderful, spectacular, sparkletastic bloggers had to leave us, so I'm going to annoy you guys today! Let's see, what to blog about. I can tell you about what I've eaten today... or my cat... she likes to claw me... Okay, that's too boring. How about, today I give you some pointers that have helped me in the past... Todays blog will be about how to, and not to, make an ad for your store!

First off. Ever walked into a store and been like OMG ATTACK of the colors and backgrounds, there's no lighting... *pulls hair out*... well, that's how I feel sometimes so to help you keep that from being your store, let's start off simple!

So many people start a store with a complete and utter mess and that is hard to get past. I’m not talking unorganized, I’m talking a poorly planned layout, poorly done ads, poor placement. How to fix it?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Up all night Making Friends with shadows on the wall..

Hiya Everyone! Happy Friday, Once again Im here just to give you a little taste on what awesomeness you can find at FLF~ And this week we have some totally neat things, It may be shorter then usual, and Im sorry but Its late and im losing my mind 0.o yanno how scary that is and can be sometimes !  So lets get started with this awesome tastic window seat from Amame This window seat has around 11 poses for you to sit in and different textures to make your window look like rain, nighttime, or even fall. You definatly need this addition to any room !  The Next place we are visiting is Just Kidding! For this Moon Pose , This pose has the stars and moon, along with four different poses to sit, I totally left the pose positions on there so you can see where!  Sail away to the stars with this pose! 

Om nom nom nom...

Heya Peeps~

Today is THURSDAY!!! And it is totally my turn to keep you guys informed of some awesome stuff and I'm super duper excited about this weeks blog!

I've been to this store a majillion times and every time I go in there I'm always "ooing" and "awing" the cute things that is there. Alatariel Muliaina is the owner and creator of ~*Mouthiiz*~  and is amazingly good at what she does. She's fairly new at what she's doing and she opened her store about this time last year. It's only recently though that's she's been able to grow in her talent. Although, soooorta new her product is detailed and beautiful! I'm just super awed by what she can do. Sooooo, here is an awesome preview of what I got from her store.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What a stupid lamb...

Hey! Happy Tuesday, sorry this is late today, I got a bunch of stuff going on! This is gonna be a quick post but I have a new hair place for you today!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Who needs April Fool's Day just for jokes???

I loooove April Fool's Day but I don't really think I can wait until April to play some more jokes. I seem to get into mischief though almost everyday. But the thing is, you gotta be SLY about it all. See, when you decide to do those mischief things around the house, you have to get yourself a backup plan. Whats going to be the "excuse" or "reason" for these things happening? Plan ahead and always have a plan B! Usually that's easy if you have siblings!