Saturday, May 28, 2011

Oh My Glittering Pixies... I'm Tiny!

I know, today is the awesome Mufasa.. er Jamie's blog day, but she's a bit busy today so I have hyjacked the blog! :D Ok so... if you haven't noticed....there's an epidemic of Tiny Tots running around in Secondlife. Personally, I've never been one to be tiny.. but if you've seen me over the past couple of days... I am currently, tiny. Darn it, I drank the koolaid and joined the cult. *makes a sad face* But you see, the reason I did so was because I kept seeing these adorable plurks from Alkatraz Constantine and her store Turducken... and she makes the cutest tiny clothes for the little tiny tots.. So I blame her. But then I also saw a cute dress from Chelsea's and I was sold. I'm currently, tiny. *facepalms* Do you want to be tiny as well? Well, there's two ways! You can get the original Tiny Tot Hud from Sweet Baby or another version from Sneek! Both work similarly I do believe. :) Now, onto pictures of me as an adorable tiny, sporting adorable tiny clothes! :D

Outfit: Serenity from CCC (Found at the L.L.L Fair!)
Shape: Nicole from Turduken
Skin: Kianna from Mynerva (YES MYNERVA IS BACK!)
Hair: Bon11 by CriCri

Outfit: Bubbles by Turduken
Shape: Nicole from Turkduken
Skin: Kianna from Mynerva (YES MYNERVA IS BACK!)
Hair: Mo by D!VA

This concludes our Tiny Tot intervention for today! Tune in all next week for awesome blogs from awesome people, taking you to so many more awesome places! :D

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