Monday, May 23, 2011

So Many Pretty Outfits... So Little TIMEEEE!

Helllllo Scribble readers! I'm so happy to still be a part of Cosmic Scribbles! I'm Candii, for those of you just tuning in... and I'll be blogging on Mondays! I'll  be featuring lesser known or newer stores in my up and coming posts, as well as fun, random stuff, too! :D So stay tuned!

This week, I checked out three lesser known/newer stores.. two of which owned by two of my wonderful friends and one by someone I have never heard of.. but I must say, I adore the outfits I bought from her! :D

The three ADORABLE outfits above are from three different places, all equally adorable!

On The Left
Skin: Arabelle by Apple May
Hair: Josie by Magika
Outfit: Watermelon by LVS Kids (Got outfit from the L.L.L. Fair)

Skin: Arabelle by Apple May
Hair: Mo by D!VA
Outfit: Frannie by Glitterbugz (Got outfit from the L.L.L. Fair)

Skin: Arabelle by Apple May
Hair: Josie by Magika
Stardust in Pink by Petit Silhouette

I've included the SLURL for all of the outfits, so check out their mainstores and grab these adorable outfits! Stay tuned, same fashion station, same fashion place, next Monday with me! :D


  1. Sooooo cute! *steals all the hair too*

  2. Adorable! Making me want to shop lol.

  3. You forgot the shoes-- i went to check out P.S. and those weren't the shoes that came with it :(
