Now there's a few essentials here...firstly make sure you hit the scribo and then you'll need to pick up these fabulous dollarbies on the top right! Now for all you shoes girlies out there please don't die when you see how many shoes you can buy - Seen bottom left. Also there are some super fabulous poses from Kaitlyn Lexington & also Emery Dash! There's lots of family and friend poses plus a wonderful pose prop too.
<-- The Horizon Pose
The Edge Pose -->
Thank you soooo much to the lovely frannie for letting me abuse her too for some pictures :D
Now to show you some more goodies! There's soso much I tried to squeeze as much as possible into these pictures so starting with the top left its all the wonderful accessories from tattoo layers to sparkly headbands and the lovely footies I showed you last week. Next to this is the hall of clothing which almost explodes with cuteness. Then on the bottom is some fabulous shapes made by the lovely Annabelle Oodles and Vivian Peretz. Lastly are some super fabulous bedroom sets for both boys and girls! I loveeee the pirate ship one even though I am a girl...but main because I hope it'll mean Captain Jack Sparrow will come visit me *daydreams* :D
There is SOSO much more than what I've half shown you today so you should all go pay it a visit...However please don't blame me if you have to rob any banks or go bankrupt!