Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Don't go Breakin' My heart...

Hey! Happy Tuesday everyone! I have a small but hairy blog post today! I was going through some of my hair the other day and pulling out hairs I don't wear too much (mainly because I forgot I had them) and figured, I'd toss up a few hairs that I LOVE but just haven't worn until recently!

Sissy and I were hanging out after doing a boat load of shopping and doing the 10.10.10 sale- which I will explaing a little about afterwards! In the left photo I have a crazy cute hair from Truth. I forgot about it actually, until recently. It's called Stacie, I'm currently wearing it in Chocolate. In the right photo I am wearing Kami. Which in the add may not look like a kids hair, but it's SO sweet on! Lishi is wearing >TRUTH< Nicola, and I love loove the pretty braid on it! For outfits, we thought we'd be cute and wear dresses from CCC. Mine is named Lishi and hers is named Riley!

While we were doing photos, Cait came by so I thought I'd shoot a photo of all three of us, and I love LOVE the hair she was wearing!

The adorable hair Cait has on is from D!va called Tomoko! It's crazy adorable, just like her outfit from Bunny Creek called Luchia and her shoes from CCC!

The hair I have on is from the 10.10.10 sale. Basically, it's 10 stores participating for 10 days. One item is 10L another is 110L. You have to go to EACH store to participate and get everything! My hair is one of the items from Truth called Padma! It's got this tiny little sweet bun at the back and it's cute! At the 10.10.10 sale, you get a bunch of cool things, so I definitely suggest taking a look! The super cute Dress I have on is from !*~Cadybugs~*! called Rebekah Dress~Purple and my awesome boots are from Kookie! The poses in the first 2 photos were from Lovely Smiles!

That's it! Hope your evening is sweet and fun! (Happy Belated Thanksgiving to the Canadians!)

Have a Good one!
   Riley Sapphire


  1. :0 this post is sooo cuteness! I love the LOTD look and that hair is adorable! *sqeeks*
